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A few months ago, we reached out to herve-tullet | Art | Books | Education, a genius in interactive books who engages readers with colors. He invites them to experiment, to darken them, to lighten them, to mix them, to discover them, to splash brushstrokes here and there. There isn’t a child or adult who can resist the games Tullet proposes. It’s like taking a fun painting class with the best teacher, one who challenges the student, accompanies them, and applauds them. Tcolors has always strived to promote the use of color and craftsmanship among children as they stimulate creativity.

From there came the idea to participate in the opening of the le lieu inspiré – Stimulons la créativité ! (  a unique cultural proposition for families. Children and accompanying adults are invited to explore together, to share a communal experience through mini-workshops, immersive artworks, and encounters with authors, illustrators, and artists.

The Inauguration

For the inauguration of the Inspired Place, artist and author-illustrator Hervé Tullet proposed a colorful event: the BIG BANG paper. A large participatory project that will dress the space of the Inspired Place, creating a huge “playground” with Tcolors, the paint that changes everything.

The BIG BANG is an explosion of joy and excitement. It’s color, gesture, energy, the unexpected bursting forth and bringing the space to life. Like a stain, the artwork spreads cheerfully and invades the walls, ceilings, and corners to create a vast playground in which a labyrinth, a hut, a reading hideaway are hidden…

The public is guided to paint Tcolors paint on large paper equipment. Once dry, the creations are trimmed, torn, assembled with tape, layered… and new compositions are created in space, in volume.

Hervé Tullet aims to orchestrate this collective exhibition with a wide audience: families, schools, leisure centers in the Bordeaux metropolis.

After these 3 days of workshops, the Inspired Place remains open to the public and to all Bordeaux schools to continue the work and arrange the playground.